Dr. Katherin Barg (Project Lead)
Katherin is the director of this project. She is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Bristol and her research focuses on social inequalities in education. She has a special interest in how parenting, parent-school relationships and teachers shape children’s academic development and school trajectories.
Katherin’s research aims to look beyond disciplinary and country boundaries as she has conducted studies on France, Germany and the UK, and includes theories and methods from Sociology, Psychology and Economics into her work.

Valentina Perinetti Casoni (Senior Research Associate)
Valentina is a Senior Research Associate in the School of Education at the University of Bristol and has recently joined the BIPE project.
Valentina’s research aims at producing robust, policy-relevant and quantitative evidence of how educational systems and policies can either re-balance or reinforce educational inequalities and social stratification. She is particularly interested in investigating school- and classroom-related mechanisms that might exacerbate or reduce gaps between children of high and low socio-economic status.

Lucy Haslam (Administrator)
Lucy is a Research Administrator for the School of Education. Her work is centred on supporting academics, their research and their events within the School, with particular focus on the Centre for Multilevel Modelling.

Former team member: Amelia Winter (Student Research Assistant)
Amelia did a student placement on our research project. She is an undergraduate student in the School of Education at the University of Bristol studying Education and Psychology. She is especially interested in the structure of education systems and has studied the impact that policies may have on the demographics within schools in Malaysia.