Presentation at ECSR 2024 in Barcelona
Between 12th and 14th September 2024, Katherin and Valentina attended the Annual Conference of the European Consortium of Sociological Research (ECSR) in Barcelona and presented their paper ‘Student Socioeconomic Status and Teacher-Student Perceptual...

Workshop at James Gillespie’s Highschool in Edinburgh
On 21st October 2024, Katherin gave another workshop for teachers, this time at James Gillespie’s Highschool in Edinburgh. More than 120 teaching staff attended the 2-hour interactive event in which Katherin gave an overview of research on inequalities and...

ESRI Dublin
On 5th of June, Katherin gave a talk titled How accurate are teacher perceptions of student academic attitudes, and do student social background and ethnicity matter? Evidence from England and Scotland at the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRI) in Dublin,...

University of Bristol, School of Education (SoE) Research Celebration Day
On the 17th of May, Katherin and Valentina presented findings from the BIPE project at the University of Bristol, School of Education (SoE) Research Celebration Day. Katherin and Valentina presented preliminary results from the BIPE project investigating how students’...

Skills Development Scotland
On 15th May, Katherin and Valentina held a webinar titled Inequalities and bias in schools: reasons, research and reactions for the Skills Development Scotland staff. The webinar started with an overview on ‘traditional’ and recent academic research on socioeconomic...

Guest lecture at the University of the West of England
On 31st January, Katherin and Valentina were invited to give a guest lecture at the School of Education and Childhood of the University of the West of England in Bristol. The lecture was delivered as part of the Policy and Contemporary Issues module offered to the...

Workshop for school staff in-service day at Edinburgh primary school
On 8th January, Katherin and Valentina gave a workshop titled Inequalities and bias in schools: reasons, research and reactions at Gracemount Primary School in Edinburgh. The event was organised as part of the school January in-service day and involved more than 50...

Workshop for teachers and education practitioners in Edinburgh
On 17th November, Katherin and Valentina gave a workshop titled Inequalities and bias in schools: reasons, research and reactions at the University of Edinburgh. The event was organised by the Moray House – School of Education and Sport as a Professional learning...

Valentina presents at the 2023 Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies Annual Conference
On 9th October, Valentina presented at the 2023 Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS) Annual Conference – Life Courses in Times of Uncertainty held in Munich, Germany. At the 2023 SLLS Conference, Valentina presented preliminary results for a...

Panel session at ‘Into Headship’ event at Moray House School of Education and Sport
We contributed to a panel session for the Into Headship programme at Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh. This PG programme provides Scotland’s national qualification for school headship. The session we contributed to was attended by around 50...