Valentina presents at the 2023 XX ISA World Congress of Sociology
On 30th June, Valentina presented at the International Sociological Association (ISA) XX World Congress of Sociology – Resurgent Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies held in Melbourne, Australia. At the 2023...

Workshop at the Summer Conference of the Cabot Learning Federation
On Friday 7th July, we had the opportunity to run our teacher workshop ‘Inequalities and bias in schools: reasons, research and reactions’ at the Summer Conference of the Cabot Learning Federation. The conference was held at City Academy Bristol and attended by more...

Katherin presents at the South-West Anti Racist Education Forum
On 23rd June, Katherin presented our findings on teacher perceptions of students’ academic attitudes at the South-West Anti Racist Education Forum, University of Bristol. In an interactive session attended by teachers, head teachers, inclusion leads, teacher...

Valentina presents at the 2023 British Sociological Association Annual Conference
On 14th April, Valentina presented at the British Sociological Association (BSA) 2023 Annual Conference – Sociological Voices in Public Discourse hosted by the University of Manchester. At the 2023 BSA Conference, Valentina presented preliminary results for a...

Katherin presents at the University of Bamberg
Katherin presented initial results of the project at the Oberseminar of the Chair for Sociology (Social Stratification) of Professor Cornelia Kristen at the University of Bamberg. The title of the presentation was ‘Social and ethnic biases in primary school:...

First Federation Trust workshop
On 25th January, Katherin and the BIPE team gave a workshop on biases in primary education to school leaders and teachers from the First Federation Trust. The First Federation Trust is a multi-academy trust and education charity linking 19 primary schools located...

Katherin presents at the Centre for Comparative and International Research in Education (CIRE) of the University of Bristol
On the 6th of December, Katherin presented at an internal CIRE meeting, a forum intended for faculty and PGRs to share research ideas and ongoing projects in order to receive feedback from faculty and PGRs with different research interest and areas of expertise in the...

Valentina presents at the 2022 International Conference of the Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies
On 24th October, Valentina presented a published study on biased teacher assessment at the 2022 11th Annual International Conference of the Society for Longitudinal and Lifecourse Studies (SLLS) – Growing Up and Growing Older Across Societies: Harnessing the...

Welcome to our new Senior Research Associate
We are delighted to have a new member on the project team! Valentina Perinetti Casoni has joined us as Senior Research Associate and will be working with us on data analysis, writing up of publications and impact activities. We are now getting started with a paper on...

Jurassic Coast Teacher Network
On 30th June, Katherin gave a workshop on unconscious bias to teachers in the Jurassic Coast Teacher Network. This network, which is led by Woodroffe School in Lyme Regis, connects teachers across schools in West Dorset, South Devon and Somerset. Participant feedback...